
You'll Find Info on Dog Training, Dog Food and Dog Health Problems Here

Hi and thanks for visiting. I have always been surrounded by my pets, especially my dogs. They provide hours of joy and attention not to mention being good security. I want to let you know all about the resources I've found to help look after your pet. These resources include books, courses and products that will help you keep your dog healthy and safe.

I came across an excellent resource to help with feeding your dog the right food. With all the problems we have seen lately in the pet food manufacturing industry, it is easy to loose sight of the fact that a large number of diseases and problems that our animals are experiencing are as a result of the pet food industry themselves. Ask a your vet and he or she will tell you that 20 to 30 years ago most of the cancer and problems they deal with didn't exist or were very few in number.

With the poisons, bad quality ingredients, use of corn and other allergens in the manufacturing process and not to mention the fact that it's been a long time since I can remember coming across a pack of dogs have a BBQ or cooking up some porridge for breakfast ;-).

I can really recommend this book on dog food. It is packed with information that you can use right now to reduce your feeding costs yet give your pet the food and nutrients they really need.

Until next time,

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